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Root Chakra (New Art)

Hi Sibs and Ancs ❤

I made some art the other day and posted it to our WLTOP Deviant Art page and it got some likes and even won a badge award.

So I decided to share it here for you to peek at.

Chakra is a fun topic and of the Chakras “Root” is my favorite and is also the basic of them all.

Including the health of Root along with worshipping our Oldest is fun and can be healing.

So here is the art that won a “Snowball” badge on Deviant Art, enjoy.

By improving your bodies Root chakra, you improve your health, including worshipping the Oldest at the same time gets more done with the same effort.

Since Root is the most of a starter of Chakras it supports the other Chakras, which means improve your Root Chakra the most and the other Chakras after.

Using the method of worship “We Love And Worship Root and Our Oldest Parents” it will be heard by our Oldest who hears and sees all and your own body will also respond with good health.

I have some Christmas art planned this year that follows a similar style.

❤ Have a great week family ❤

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